Elongation法 機能性分子/材料
BN/Cナノチューブ (非線形光学特性)

W. Chen, G. -T. Yu, F. L. Gu, and Y. Aoki, Investigation on the Electronic Structures and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Pristine Boron Nitride and BN/C Heterostructured Single-Wall Nanotubes by the Elongation Method, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 8447-8454 (2009).
ポルフィリンワイヤ (非線形光学特性)

L. K. Yan, A. Pomogaeva, F. L. Gu, and Y. Aoki, Theoretical study on nonlinear optical properties of metalloporphyrin using elongation method, Theor. Chem. Acc., 125, 511-520 (2010).
はしご型ポリジアセチレン (非線形光学特性)

W. Chen, G. -T. Yu, F. L. Gu, and Y. Aoki, Investigation on Nonlinear Optical Properties of Ladder-structure Polydiacetylenes Derivatives by Using the Elongation Finite-Field Method, Chem. Phys. Lett., 474, 175-179 (2009).

X. Zhu, Y. Orimoto, and Y. Aoki, An efficient unrestricted PCM-elongation method for large high-spin polymer/dendrimer systems, Z. Phys. Chem., 230, 667–680 (2016).
Si(111)表面 ポリシラン・炭化水素鎖吸着

R. Zhang, W. Q. Tian, F. L. Gu, and Y. Aoki, Theoretical studies on the adsorption of Si and C chains onto the unfaulted and faulted Si(111) surface, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 6350-6356 (2007).